In the summer of 2021 the City of Delta, Colorado reached out to Graham Projects to develop a set of “Quick-Build” improvements along their historic Main Street to enhance walkability, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, and support post-COVID-19 business development. “Quick-Build” features are transportation, urban design, and placemaking elements made from lower-cost, shorter term materials, that can be removed if necessary without permanently altering the streetscape. Previously Delta commissioned the US 50 Delta Downtown Study, which recommended three concepts for upgrading the streetscape of their Main Street through capital improvements. Working in collaboration with Crossroad Lab transportation engineering firm and EnviroCollab landscape architecture firm under a two month lead time, Graham Projects adapted the existing study plans into a set of design-build recommendations for lower-cost, additive transportation, accessibility, and urban design features establishing a safe bike lane, pedestrian parklets, loading zones, landscaping, and potential gateway features along Main Street.
Graham Projects and EnviroCollab created the Delta Main Street Quick-Build Guide, which serves as a toolkit for traffic calming and tactical placemaking tailored specifically for Delta’s Main Street. In addition, Crossroad Lab created the City of Delta Main Street Traffic Calming Crossing and Parklet Improvement schematic plans, material recommendations, and cost estimates to serve as a guide for design and implementation by the City of Delta staff and local affiliates.
Graphic design and Quick-Build guide layout: Zoe Roane-Hopkins.
EnviroCollab is a full-service Landscape Architecture, Planning, and Urban Design Studio in Baltimore, Maryland. Placemaking is their passion. Sustainable design, collaborative engagement, and community advocacy is their purpose.
Crossroad Lab is a Modern Transportation Engineering Firm, Providing engineering services within the emerging Active Transportation Industry. Their team incorporates all aspects of design thinking to keep innovating complete streets and quick-build solutions within constrained environments.