The Pigtown Iconic traffic calming art crosswalk installation at Washington Boulevard and Cross Street welcomes residents and visitors to historic Pigtown via bold shapes, bright colors, and prideful neighborhood symbols. The community-based project was commissioned by Pigtown Main Street with funding from South Baltimore Gateway Partnership in response to residents’ requests to slow down speeding cars on Washington Boulevard. Bump outs made of pavement striping and flex posts, reinforced with custom planters, strengthen pedestrian safety by shortening crosswalks distances and slowing down drivers. The main street colors of pink and brown, plus a light blue accent, and symbols of local culture heighten the visibility of people crossing the street on foot or wheelchair.
The artwork design is based on community input and resident drawings created during the Pigtown Connects block party held in July 2021. Artwork design options were shared back with residents through posters in local businesses. Residents were invited to select their favorite artwork and provide additional feedback via an online poll. The selected design features pavement art icons that reflect the vibrant culture around Washington Boulevard; including railroad history, local cuisine, dancing, and rock climbing. Additionally, pig tracks lead the way for pedestrians to safely cross each intersection.
During the engagement process participants selected planters as their highest priority for streetscape furnishings. The planters are engineered to withstand moderate vehicular impact at an average bumper height of 16-20″, and are strategically placed at key locations to protect pedestrians. Filled with soil and perennial plants, the locally-cast hexagonal concrete planters serve as 600+ pound bollards for pedestrian safety and streetscape beauty. At the corner of each bump out, modular wood planters are framed by heavyweight timbers reminiscent of railroad ties. Built by local fabrication studio LANNINGSMITH and Environmental Precast, the planters evoke the railroading and manufacturing history of Pigtown. Neighborhood volunteers helped finish the project by customizing the planters during a community paint day.
Production team: Graham Coreil-Allen, Melvin Jadulang, JaVon Townsend, Zoe Roane-Hopkins, Lexie Mountain, Q Batts, Mar Braxton, Donaven Bunting, Kirsten Pamfilis, Barae Hirsch, Maggie MacDonald, and resident volunteers. Line striping by Equus Striping. Planters by LANNINGSMITH and Environmental Precast.