The Bean There Sun That traffic calming street murals celebrates the dynamic activity and positive energy of Hyattsville with a bold, triangular pattern of bright colors along Church Place, and a matching vista of clouds and sun rays along Gallatin Street. The project is part of Hyattsville’s Street Art Pilot project designed to beautify streets with art and define traffic & pedestrian right of ways. The purple, brown, red, yellow and blue triangles hugging Church Place are accented with turquoise coffee beans. These same colors repeat in the lofty sky mural stretching across Gallatin Street.
Zoe Roane-Hopkins designed the murals with art direction from Graham Coreil-Allen and visual inspiration from drawings shared by residents during the 2023 Hyattsville City Anniversary Celebration and online. The pavement art highlights traffic calming bump outs, a delivery zone, and a chicane engineered by Toole Design on behalf of the City of Hyattsville to help slow down cars and improve pedestrian safety in the arts district.
Production team: Graham Coreil-Allen, Zoe Roane-Hopkins, Melvin Jadulang, Mar Braxton, Lydia Milano, Kylee McDaniel, Alicia Astronomo
Project partners: City of Hyattsville, Toole Design, Vigilante Coffee
Drone photos by the City of Hyattsville.